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Posted by Jim MacPhail on

It’s been all change here at BearingProTools over the past year!  I’m amazed at how the time has flown by, and excited for what the future holds.  At the very end of last year we moved to a new workshop, a necessary step to facilitate what was to come next.      After a month or so of fit out the new workshop was ready for the main event, the arrival of a brand-new CNC lathe.   As luck would have it the delivery was made on the coldest day of the year, and believe me, it’s not easy to manoeuvre a...

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A great write up on our tools by Bike Rumour - cheers guys!

Posted by Jim MacPhail on


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Friday Night Special - Manual Milling a Stem

Posted by Jim MacPhail on

What do bikers do with machine tools at the weekend?  Make bike parts of course! New 40mm stem made on the 1950's manual mill. Milling a rectangular shape with a few holes in it is easy enough.  Forming the curved surfaces takes a little more thought and preparation, but it is well worth it in the end! Can anyone guess what the inspiration for the shape was?    

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Threaded rod upgraded!

Posted by Jim MacPhail on

We recently started shipping a new, upgraded threaded rod with all our press orders.  The new rod is precision cut from stainless steel: it offers higher accuracy and greater strength, and features threadless ends to lead the T-bar handles/nuts on and off the rod, so there's less chance of the handles falling on the floor! And best of all we've not increased the price of our presses! We have the new rods in three lengths.  They are available to be purchased separately here in case you want to upgrade an older press.  

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Updated: Santa Cruz Bearing Tools Kit Range

Posted by Jim MacPhail on

We've updated our range of Santa Cruz bearing tool kits to cover all the latest models, including the new Nomad 5 and the Heckler and Bullit e-bikes! Santa Cruz have always been good at standardising their bearings and that trend continues - every bike that they have made in the last decade has used some combination of the same two bearing sizes for it's rear suspension pivots, meaning that there's a tonne of cross-compatibility between our different SC kits.   Interestingly, SC started moving from the angular contact 7900/7902 to the normal radial 6900/6902 version of their bearings a few years ago.  Though essentially identical...

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