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Bottom Bracket Bearing Puller

Posted by Jim MacPhail on

We’ve offered presses for bottom bracket bearings for some time now, but a matching removal tool has been an obvious gap in our range.. Not any more!


The BB tools takes a slightly different tack to our smaller pullers. Rather than using an expanding collet to grip the bearing, our BB bearing remover uses a plate that catches an edge behind the bearing to pull it into a ‘cup’. The bearing is pulled out in a controlled, straight fashion by simply tightening a nut and bolt - no hammer required!

There are a few bearing pullers on the market operating along similar lines, so what makes ours different? In most other examples the plate that fit behind the bearing is welded on to the bolt. The reviews of other brands show that this can be a weak point, occasionally failing. It can also be a source of frustration as the welded bolt and plate rotate with the bearing, preventing the puller from tightening. By using a simple Allen key bolt we eliminate the weak welded joint and provide an easy means to prevent rotation. It’s also easier to make the tool our way, which means we can sell the tool to you at a lower price. Win win!

The prototyping process is always a tonne of fun.  We'll leave you with a few images of the first testers taking shape in our workshop:



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